Time to Wake Up

I’m tired of dreaming. The illusions of life no longer interest me. It’s time to wake up.

There is no plan for this blog. My website is a place where I can dump my thoughts and share things I find interesting. It’s also a place to write and learn as I go through the daily process of waking up, to have my own mind and think for myself in this confusing world.

It’s not going to be easy. That’s the thing about learning: it’s hard. I will fail, make mistakes, and fall into the traps of the past and present.

I wanted to start this site because I don’t enjoy social media and wanted to have a place to post things publicly. I don’t have a Facebook page or Instagram. I’ve never tried TikTok and rarely post anything on Twitter/X. I use the List feature on X to follow the accounts of a few people I find to be thoughtful individuals. I realize the site is a cesspool of misinformation and hate. But that’s how they all function these days.

I will admit it’s hard to live in this world without being subjected to social media. It’s ubiquitous at this point. The fears of not missing out draw you in, making it difficult to exclude yourself from it, mainly if family and friends use it prolifically.

I choose to use Twitter as a news bulletin-type website. I use the List function because it gives me more control over what’s fed to me. I’m not subjected to as many suggestions by X itself because I’m not “following” the users on my list, and I don’t want people to follow me back. Instead, I’ve added them to a list, which allows me to see what people on the list have to say and keeps the spam from searching me out. Perhaps I’m just fooling myself, but it has created a far better experience for me on the site than following people the old-fashioned way.

It could be the fear of putting myself out into the world, keeping me out of the social media pool. Blogging could be a way to slowly dip my toe in without being ridiculed or mocked for my views. It will be like screaming underwater so nobody hears, a safe place until I get my sea legs.

I’m not saying it’s ideal. But it’s a start. All I know is that I’ve rested enough. It’s time to wake up and stop waiting for life to happen.


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